Piotr Biernat
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
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// Copyright (c) 2021 Piotr Biernat. https://pbiernat.dev. MIT License
// Repo: https://git.pbiernat.dev/golang/vegvisir
// Package server contains main sever files
package server
import (
const (
// ServerVersion static
ServerVersion = "0.1-dev"
// ServerName static
ServerName = "Vegvisir/" + ServerVersion
// Server struct
type Server struct {
config *config.Config
router *Router
respCM *cache.Manager
daemon *fasthttp.Server
// NewServer function
func NewServer(cPath string) *Server {
cfg := config.New(cPath)
if err := cfg.Load(); err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Unable to find config file: ", cPath, err)
datastore := cache.GetDatastore(cfg.Cache)
return &Server{
config: cfg,
router: NewRouter(cfg, cache.NewMemoryDatastore(), cfg.Cache.RouteTTL),
// ^^ INFO: Routes always use memoryCache cause low size and fast read time (optimalization)
respCM: cache.NewCachedManager(*datastore, "response_", cfg.Cache.ResponseTTL, cache.HTTPRequestHandler),
// ^^ FIXME: add handler detection option by config etc...
// Run function
func (s *Server) Run() {
//s.memo = cache.New(s.processUrl)
log.Println("Starting server...")
go func() {
serverAddress := s.config.Server.Address + ":" + fmt.Sprint(s.config.Server.Port)
s.daemon = &fasthttp.Server{
Handler: s.mainHandler,
ReadTimeout: 15 * time.Second,
WriteTimeout: 20 * time.Second,
MaxConnsPerIP: 500,
MaxRequestsPerConn: 500,
IdleTimeout: 15 * time.Second, // aka KeepAlive
//CloseOnShutdown: true,
if err := s.daemon.ListenAndServe(serverAddress); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Server panic! Error message: %s", err)
// Wait for an interrupt and attempt a graceful shutdown
interrupt := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(interrupt, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
log.Println("SIGKILL or SIGINT caught, shutting down...")
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
log.Println("Server shutdown successfully.")
// Shutdown function
func (s *Server) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) { // TODO: wait for all connections to finish
//defer s.respCM.Close()
//defer s.daemon.Shutdown()
log.Println("Shutting down...")
func (s *Server) mainHandler(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {
// http := client.NewHttpClient(ctx)
// move all below logic to concrete handler or sth....
reqURL, sReqURL, sReqMethod := ctx.RequestURI(), string(ctx.RequestURI()), string(ctx.Method())
//log.Println("Incoming request:", sReqMethod, sReqURL)
found, route := s.router.FindByRequestURL(reqURL)
if !found {
// FIXME: return 404 or 5xx error in response? Maybe define it in concrete Backend config?
log.Println("404:", sReqMethod, sReqURL)
response, err := s.respCM.Fetch(sReqURL, sReqMethod, route)
//err, response := s.processUrl(sReqURL, sReqMethod, route)
if err != nil {
// FIXME: Response read error(sending 500 error response)
//ctx.SetConnectionClose() // not sure if change abything with connection: keep-alive/close issue ^^
log.Println("Response read error(sending 500 error response)", err)
ctx.Response.Header.SetBytesV(fasthttp.HeaderContentType, response.Headers.ContentType())
//func (s *Server) processUrl(url, method string, route *cache.RouteCache) (error, *cache.ResponseCache) {
// // handle response caching
// cacheKey := method + "_" + url
// if ok, data := s.respCM.load(cacheKey, &cache.ResponseCache{}); ok {
// log.Println("Read resp from cache: ", route.TargetURL, url)
// return nil, data.(*cache.ResponseCache) // FIXME #67 - simplify
// } else {
// //log.Println("Send req to backend url: ", route.TargetURL, url)
// ////start := time.Now()
// //bckReq := fasthttp.AcquireRequest()
// //bckResp := fasthttp.AcquireResponse()
// //defer fasthttp.ReleaseRequest(bckReq)
// //defer fasthttp.ReleaseResponse(bckResp)
// //
// //// copy headers from backend response and prepare request for backend - separate
// //bckReq.SetRequestURI(route.TargetURL)
// //bckReq.Header.SetMethod(method)
// //
// //err := fasthttp.Do(bckReq, bckResp)
// //if err != nil {
// // return err, nil
// //}
// //
// //body, code := bckResp.Body(), bckResp.StatusCode()
// ////log.Printf("%s, %s, %d bytes\n", url, time.Since(start), len(body))
// //// save response to cache
// //respCache := cache.NewResponseCache(url, method, body, code, &bckResp.Header)
// //s.respCM.save(cacheKey, respCache)
// //
// //return nil, respCache
// }